Biker Once More

Motorcycle with backpack strapped to it
Azula loaded for an art ride

I bought a motorcycle last October. I told the wife I needed one and she agreed. It’s a 2011 Yamaha Stryker 1300. I will be cruising along wondering why everyone is going so slow before I look down to discover I’m going 90 and couldn’t tell.

I’ve been unemployed (again) for a little over a month. After a morning of filling out applications, sending resumes, I decided to load the art bag on her and take her out for a spin.

30 minutes down the road from me is No Label Brewery. Founded in 2010 they are in an old rice grainery. I thought the grainery would make a nice sketch so that’s what I did.

rice grainery
No Label Brewing Co.
ink and wash sketch
Ink and wash sketch

I did most of it live on Twitch, but it was difficult to get the camera to stay still, especially when the wind picked up. However, I did manage to video most of the process so watch for it on the you tube. I’ll update this later with the link.

Art Journal ice Storm 2012

Ice Storm 2012

Water doesn’t NORMALLY freeze in Oklahoma.  Not on its own, anyway. ‘Tain’t natural I tell ya!  Anyway, the last week of 2012, all the weather stations were talking about life altering winter storms that were going to hit our state.  I think it snowed for an hour or so.  Needless to say, we survived it.

There’s a video for this page over at Teh YouTube or in the window below:


Tuesday Tube 23OCT2012

The Video


Week three of The Halloweeny Season has a page ripping werewolf clawing through the background to get out into the full moon.  I really should have had Boy2 and Girl2 sing along with me on this one as it’s one of their favorites!  If the video get’s 20 likes and 20 comments I’ll post a second video showing where the claw marks came from.

Painting Class: Fire Hydrant Finale

Tonight in Painting Class I finished up the fire hydrant example I have been working on. We talked about pushing the colors, using quality materials, atmospheric perspective and the whole lot. Immediately after I turned the cameras off, I decided to ink it. I'm really glad I did.

The class is online and free at
The password for the class can be found in the current newsletter here:


In album The Classroom (1 photo)

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Daily Drawings

A couple of years ago I committed myself to the first 200 drawing challenges from the Everyday Matters group on yahoo. I made it to 152 before I let myself get distracted. The purpose of the group is to point out that it's the every day matters that make every day matter. The mundane is what makes life special. Today, I decided to pick it back up and look for other sources online as well so that I will be challenged to draw every day. It is how I want to start and end every day.

There are about thirty that I haven't posted, but you can find the bulk of the previous drawings here:


In album Daily Drawings (1 photo)

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