Feeling like a slug!

Me standing on a block behind my tall daughter in her prom dress
Me and Girl2 on prom night

First, check out Girl2 in her prom dress. This picture was taken on her very last day of high school! She will graduate cum laude, with a cosmetology degree, an associates degree in science and math, and VERY close to completing Eagle Scout. I can’t manage to change my socks daily. This is why, as happy as I am for her and as proud, I feel like a slug.

I  had all of these great plans for 2023. I was going to do a fair every month. I was going to complete a large painting every week, a couple of small paintings, and sketch every day.

With the exception of a couple of small watercolors, I haven’t managed to complete a single painting. I have done a small handful of sketches, but nothing near the volume I wanted to do.

So what’s wrong me? Why can’t I manage to follow through? It’s so easy to get down on myself and think about how terrible I am. But doing nothing is the norm. That is the standard that the human body wants to maintain. Inertia. A body at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by a force, right?

So the real question is what happened before that motivated me to do something? How did I manage to get up and do anything before? We typically throw around words like “discipline” and “plan” without really understanding how those words become actions.

I don’t have an answer to that. I know that routine is the best way for me to get things accomplished. If I manage to sit at a drawing table with my pens and paper, I will draw something. So I have to set the routine to have my pens and paper out, maybe at a specific time or at least convenient place every day. Like the saying goes, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” If my space is prepared and my materials available, it’s a whole lot easier for me to actually sit down and get some work done. The current state of the studio is not conducive to that effort, to say the least

Garage studio is trashed

I did manage to take some supplies with me to the mall while the wife and kids explored the shops. I didn’t get a whole lot of sketches in, but something is a brazillian times more than nothing, right?

Boy2 enjoying some Chinese food at the food court

5 Minute Nudes Finale

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of February 20, 2012 through February 29, 2012. All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

#100DaysArt 5 min nude 20FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 21FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 22FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 23FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 24FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 25FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 26FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 28FEB2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 29FEB2012

5 Minute Nudes Feb13-Feb19

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of February 13, 2012 through February 19, 2012. All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 13FEB2012

5 min nude 14FEB20125 min nude 15FEB20125 min nude 16FEB20125 min nude 17FEB20125 min nude 18FEB20125 min nude 19FEB2012

5 Minute Nudes Feb06-Feb12

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of February 06, 2012 through February 12, 2012.

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 06FEB20125 min nude 07FEB20125 min nude 08FEB20125 min nude 09FEB20125 min nude 10FEB20125 min nude 11FEB20125 min nude 12FEB2012

5 Minute Nudes Jan23-Feb05

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of January 23, 2012 through February 05, 2012.

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 23JAN20125 min nude 24JAN20125 min nude 25JAN20125 min nude 26JAN20125 min nude 27JAN20125 min nude 28JAN20125 min nude 29JAN20125 min nude 30JAN20125 min nude 31JAN20125 min nude 01FEB20125 min nude 02FEB20125 min nude 03FEB20125 min nude 04FEB20125 min nude 05FEB2012