This week I ended up running out of town for the day job and missing out on the weekly broadcast of The Artistic Biker Live! I did manage to take a break from my globetrotting to have both the drawing class and the painting class this week as well as getting the membership area of my website going.
The membership area of my site signs you up for the newsletter where the password for the classes is published every week. You will get 50% off of any workshops offered and it also signs you up for prize drawings like gift certificates to Dick Blick or some personal art work. Premium membership gets you all of that as well as unlimited, download access to all of the classes, PDFs and videos and a total of 75% off of the workshops.
Drawing Class 1:1 Drawing a Gazing Ball went on sale this week here, it's free to premium members. Painting Class 1:1 Color Wheels also went on sale this week here:
Click here to sign up for membership by going to
The Drawing Class this week was about seeing the basic shapes in the real world. With everything being made up of circles, triangles, and rectangles, I present you with some exercises you can do that will help you find them in everything you see. That class is still available for free at
The Painting Class this week centered around adding depth to the popcorn painting. I discussed shading techniques that make the object stand out and give it depth. That class is still available for free at
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