What I Like Most About the EDM Challenges

I’ll tell you what I really enjoy about this challenge. Every year I make a similar resolution that I will fill at least one sketchbook. That I will endeavor to draw every day. I usually do pretty well for the first week. Then I get bored with the things around my house. Everything I can think of to draw, I talk myself out of until I just stop drawing. Again.

It’s the same with “How To” art books for me. Most don’t have practical exercises. They just present the instruction without suggesting things to practice the new lesson.

This challenge is a bit more specific. Today, draw this.  I’ve drawn more since I started this challenge than I probably did all last year. I ran out to participate (even if it was solo) in the first sketchcrawl of 2009, and I have even been attempting the classes and challenges over at wetcanvas. So far I haven’t been able to talk myself out of it due to ennui, because it is not my decision what to draw. And of course, once I have the pencil in my hand, I don’t want to stop.

EDM 4: Draw a mug or cup

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