You know that poem about the footprints in the sand. There were two sets where God was walking beside you, and only one set of footprints during the hardest times in your life because that’s where He carried you? The skid marks are where He had to drag you along! :)
This week’s easel features the artwork of Athala (, The Mighty Jay (, Artist Poet Girl: Jamie Lynn (, Michelle Greene Hotchkiss (, and The Sexy, Red-headed DarcyW (
The Artistic Biker is a blunt force journey through the art world and art journaling. If Bob Ross, Red Green and Justin Wilson had a love child, it would be The Artistic Biker!
Each week I produce The Artistic Biker Live! on Ustream, then upload the edited videos here. Saturday, you get a 3-5 minute short with me singing. On Monday, you get an hour (ish) long version with all the discussion from the show. And finally, on Wednesday you get the What’s On Your Easel? segment as a stand-alone video. So what are you waiting for? SUBSCRIBE ALREADY!
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