I spend about this much time on G+ also
Reshared post from +Jason Salas
why i come in early these days
in doing my best to test the full spectrum of Google+ features, here's my weekdaily agenda that's forced me to head into the office for the past two weeks as much as 2 hours early on weekdays (in this order):
1. check my Twitter timeline in bed (i only follow ~95 feeds, so i've got about 450 tweets queued while i sleep); forward all interesting tweets to Evernote to be later posted on Google+
2. reply to any Huddle conversations in which i'm embroiled (usually sports debates or "what's the plan today?" fare)
3. come into work then check my main Stream, posting/replying to comments, sharing neat posts by others i've got circled
4. review my Sparks feed for content i'm tracking; post interesting things to my Stream
5. reply to my Notifications
6. visit profiles of people that have encircled me and add users
7. review my Incoming stream
8. send out privately-addressed messages
9. compose an original thoughts as posts (within my Stream)
10. repeat Steps 2-9 as necessary, as by this point conversations have spawned conversations.by this point in my day, i'm about to do my actual job. and i haven't event started playing any of the games yet. ;)
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Wow. Uhm. If I spent that much time here I'd never get any art done. As it is, I have to squeeze my art time in between the day job, heh.
I spend about 5 minutes on G+ each day. So I guess I must be missing something brilliant.
Yes, but I do this AT my day job. ;-)
Guessing your day job is not too taxing!
LOL! Tam, my day job runs in bouts of highly frustrating seriously taxing mental and physical labor and long languid periods of nothing to do but wait for the next panic. Such is the life of a super hero.
Hah! Sounds a little bit like my job. Minus the physical labor part. What do you do? Aside from rescuing damsels in distress, that is.
I am the operations manager of a welding & fabrication shop.
I think the description you shared would work lovely as a line item on your resume.
Which, Tammy? The one where I am a super hero, or the one where I am an operations manager. 'Cause they're the same thing really. :)
Ops Mgr. "highly frustrating seriously taxing mental and…"