I Love a Parade

Yay!  It’s a parade in my house!  This weeks theme for Illustration Friday is a Parade.  So I gave Girl2 some pots and pans and asked her to march up and down the hallway banging the “drums.” It took my beautiful young bride 20 minutes after to get the drums away from her and get her calmed back down for her bath.  But dang she had fun parading up and down the hall way.

EDM 116: Draw something round

EDM 116: Draw something round

EDM 116, draw something round, I immediately started singing “Like a Re-ed Rubber Ball…”  Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) that’s all the words I know.  If only I knew where I could find a round ball.  Having a three year old around once again pays off.

0 thoughts on “I Love a Parade

  1. Love the parade! But have sympathy with your Bride! Made me think of my father… I was one of three little girls. When mother had put us upstairs to bed, dad would come up to say goodnight. Sometimes, he used to call out at the bottom stair, ‘I’m on the first step, and I’m coming to get you!’ He would do this at each step, counting up the stairs. Even though we knew it was ‘only’ dad coming, by the time he got to the top, three little girls would be squealing in terror and delight! So much for ‘settling us down’!!

    Margaret Caton’s last blog post..EDM # 222 My Favourite Drawing Tool

  2. That shrieking laughter is one of my most favorite sounds in the whole world. My bride is very loving and patient when it comes to me stirring the kids up like that. Thank you!

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