On New Year’s Eve, I invited several members of the online community to produce a quick video to usher in the new year.  Seeing that I asked on such short notice, I was VERY pleased at the number of videos I received.  You can see that show at the U-stream site.  A HUGE thanks goes out to:
- Klair Scattergood better known as Rhomany of Rhomany’s Realm, you can see her video response on her channel HERE. You can follow her on twitter @Rhomany.  She’s an artist, art teacher, human. AND you get Rosie & Marmalade updates.
- Mike Gray of Life In The Rough.  Normally a flaming golf fanatic, he shows artistic solidarity by not shaving and having a paint brush on hand in his video shown HERE. You can follow Mike’s antics on twitter as@doubleeagle.
- Leslie Herger of Comfortable Shoes Studios, where she shares her passions for journaling and book binding.  Her video response can be seen on her channel HERE. You can follow her on twitter as @lessherger.
- Tamara LaPorte or better known as Willowing.  You can see her video on her channel HERE. She’s a beautiful person, artist and singer, and if you follow her on twitter as @willowing, you also get Dyl pickle updates!
- And finally, Marie Angel, Will & Eric Blumentritt, and Larry Meeker A.K.A The Snake Charmers.  I actually used two videos from them, the one they made for me which can be seen HERE and the one I ripped from their channel just because I liked it so much and it needed to be shared.  That one can be seen HERE.
As many problems arose in 2009 I have to say that I am glad to see that one go! Â It was a rough year emotionally, financially, and professionally. Â But as bad as it may have been, let me tell you some of the amazing things that came out of it. Â In 2009 I lost 75 pounds, I celebrated my first anniversary of being nicotine free, and we found out that we were having another baby, this time on purpose!
And then there is The Artistic Biker. Â This site launched in 2009 as art began creeping more and more into every aspect of my life. Â Every time I let art and creativity shine some light on a problem, it got better. Â I created this space to share that light with others. Â I couldn’t be happier with the direction it’s going. Â 2009 saw the launch not only of this website, buy also my Flickr site where I post tons of images, YouTube Channel where I post a weekly video series, Facebook Fan Page where I post everything I find that’s art related, I am all over Twitter in the art, golf and adult entertainment (R rated, not X) twibes, and the launch of The Artistic Biker Live U-stream weekly broadcast, and creating tutorials for Artjournaling.ning I also started a Podcast and finally, a Newsletter to help followers keep track of it all. Whew!
2010 began with my beautiful young pregasaur and Girl2 bringing me coffee and biscuits in bed. Â Breakfast in bed, surrounded by beautiful girls is the start of a GREAT year to come!
On New Year’s Day, I posted a youtube video for the New Year’s Art Journal entry. Â While I was editing the video it was discovered that I had failed to turn the camcorder back on after pausing it for the hairdryer! Â Luckily, I had the U-stream footage to fill in and complete the demonstration. Â There will be a great many more videos done this way as I’m constantly improving the production quality and I’m having so much fun doing them. Â You can see the video on my youtube channel HERE, or in the embedded player below:
Thanks for letting me be involved, it was a fun way to spend New Year’s Eve
.-= Rhomany´s last blog ..A Clean Slate. A Fresh Art Journal =-.
I had a great time watching the cast and seeing what everyone else did for the show. As always good stuff!
.-= lessherger´s last blog ..Some technique video goodness- resist =-.