Framing Stuff


I have been considering how to hang my acrylic paintings. As you know, they are painted on expired wall calendars. This made mounting them for display a bit tricky for me. I didn’t want to get them framed just to hang, but I couldn’t bring myself to poke pinholes in them to tack them up. So I came up with something else.


Starting with a 1/4″ piece of plywood I marked off the size of the painting and glued on these miniature clothes pins that I found at The Wall*Mart.


Then I painted the board to match my painting’s color scheme. I also affixed wire to the back for hanging.


I carefully slid the painting between the clips. I ended up adding 1/8″ dowel rods to keep the paper straight and off of the backboard.




Then once all the glue dried, I proudly hung that sucker as the first officially hung piece in Oasis Studios & Gallery.

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