U-stream and Podcast Update 19AUG2010

This week I’ll be talking with Juriaan, a freelance artist in Seattle, WA.  ”Jay” and I will be discussing the importance in a strong drawing foundation in ALL of the arts and how to get there in your daily practice.  Also, this week there will be a drawing for membership in Leslie Herger’s Old Skool Drawing Class.  Be sure to check out The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday 7-9pm U.S. Central time.  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-artistic-biker

Upcoming events on The Artistic Biker Live!:

19AUG2010 Juriaan The Viking will be joining us to discuss quick drawing techniques that can easily applied anywhere, and life as a professional artist!

26AUG2010 Ricë Freeman-Zachery will be joining us discussing her amazing textile works, sewing, and meeting great people even in West Texico.

Podcast Update:

For the last few weeks I have been struggling trying to pull usable audio out of the ustream broadcast so that I could publish the interviews here as a podcast.  THAT seems to take a lo-oo-ong time.  I will have to figure out another way to do it if I’m going to get all of these recordings online in a more timely manner.  But, after the long wait, here is the interview with the Journal Girl herself: Samantha Kira!

Podcast: An Interview with Leslie Herger

My first interview with Rhomany went so well, I was eager to do another one.  This time I met with the supreme art journaling enthusiast, and skilled bookbinder, as well as lovely and talented (that’s enough sucking up) Leslie Herger of http://Comfortableshoesstudio.com and http://artjournaling.ning.com.

Of course, I wasn’t quite cool enough to hit the “RECORD” button during the interview, but I did manage to capture it on the Ustream broadcast of The Artistic Biker Live! This is what I managed to pull out of that broadcast.  Also, as an aside, when doing video like this, it is always important to know where your Picture in Picture is!

Art Journal Aquarius

Any other Aquarians out there? Anyone getting any journaling done in the cold?

This journal page background is a frozen watercolor experiment. I splashed watercolors on a SOAKED page and then stuck it outside in the 2°F and let the water freeze to push the watercolors around.

The planets are spray paint or acrylic and the stars are Christmas wrapping paper.

You can watch the video on YouTube or on the embedded player below:

Creative Every Day Monday 18JAN2010

OK.  I absolutely have to post more.  It seems all I ever blog about anymore are the videos on YouTube and the Creative Every Daythingies.  I have been working on a spray paint workshop over atArtjouranaling.ning.com, and doing The Artistic Biker Live on Ustream.  I have been working on a concept for a podcast.  But mostly I have been editing video!  I need to get out more.  I definitely need to get back to figure drawing group and the colored pencil society.  I want to also join an acrylic group that I found.  OOH! And I have a project I am trying to meet with my local arts council to get funded!  I’m very excited about THAT but I can’t really talk about it yet.
Anyway, here are the entries for this past week’s Creative Every Day challenges:

Creative Every Day Monday 11JAN2010

Wow! Another week has passed and it’s time for another installment of Creative Every Day Monday.  This has to be, without a doubt, the easiest post to write.  On last week’s Creative Monday post, you’ll remember I talked about hashtags and using them to search with?  Well, every day this week I posted my Creative Every Day challenge on twitter using the hashtag #ced2010.  A simple search of twitter using my moniker, Blade21292, and #ced2010 gave me the list for this week!  So, for your enjoyment and hopefully inspiration, here are this week’s tweets about my Creative Every Day journey:
  1. Tuesday Blade21292 http://twitpic.com/wuy9o – I don’t think this tweeted#ced2010
  2. Thursday Blade21292 http://tweetphoto.com/8237467 In case the show won’t qualify 4 #CED2010 Tonight, 8-10 pm cst, The Artistic Bikerhttp://tinyurl.com/ybgsmc84 days ago from TweetDeck
  3. Thursday Blade21292 I think this qualifies for #CED2010http://tinyurl.com/ylqt5kk3 days ago from TweetDeck
  4. Friday Blade21292 It was my turn to cook so a quick twenty minute meal off the cuff for #ced2010http://tinyurl.com/yjwna3e2 days ago from TweetDeck
  5. Saturday Blade21292 I’m gonna use my artjournaling.ning.com spray paint workshop video as my #CED20101 day ago from TweetDeck
  6. Sunday Blade21292http://twitpic.com/xm8w1 – Cool frozen watercolor bckgrnd #ced2010about 23 hours ago from TwitPic
  7. Monday Blade21292http://twitpic.com/xq1dw – Spraypaint vid production for#ced2010about 4 hours ago from TwitPic