Lubbock 2: The Buddy Holly Story

After looking at all of the things that Becky had circled in the brochures, I opted for the ones that were *NOT* on the Texas Tech campus.  My wife would burst into Crimson and Cream flames if I stepped foot on anything Red Raiderish.  The Buddy Holly Center was on the way home.  I got there just before closing time, so I ran through it pretty quick.  I was able to get a few sketches in though.  They had his cub scout uniform and his crayons from when he was a child, his baseball mit, some love letters, all of his 45’s (because many will not know what a 45 is).  They have some of the memorabilia from the crash, including his overnight back with photos of the contents.  Outside, there is a huge pair of glasses next to the marquee.

When I finally got home around midnight, I had enough energy to draw the EDM challenge, “Draw something Mom”.  I didn’t have the energy to upload it and blog it.  Long drives like that (5.5 hours + dinner and a nap = 7 hours) wear me out.  I argued with myself about posting all of these pictures into one blog for Friday night.  I thought I might be violating some unwritten ethics.  Then I decided that it was my blog and I would make the rules up as I see fit.  So, since I drew and journaled every night, you get three posts.

EDM 67: Draw something “mom”

2 thoughts on “Lubbock 2: The Buddy Holly Story

  1. I liked your drawings of Buddy Holly. And your mom drawing is very sweet (Lovin’ the brush). Yes, It’s your blog…Break the rules…Be A Rebel!

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