Additional Show Segments!

We have been focusing lately getting the studio open by June 1st. My mother and I spent the morning conspiring to do just that while driving to Girl1’s last high school band competition.  Part of the discussion was the current format for the show, The Artistic Biker Live!, and changes we might make to it. One feature I want to expand on is the announcement portion. During the opening of the show, while gessoing the page, I like to go through a list and announce classes and online events of my viewership. To that end, I will need my viewers to help keep me apprised of any upcoming events. So, please, if you know of any classes or events that are ongoing, or upcoming, e-mail me and let me know what’s up.  Perfect examples of this would be Leslie Herger being listed in this artfire collection, or Connie Hozvicka’s 21 Secrets that’s still going on.  Prayer lists, fund raisers, being featured or authoring a published article, these are all things to toot about!

Another feature that I want to introduce is “What’s On Your Easel?”  I want to see and show off what my viewers are doing in their journals, in their sketchbooks, on canvas, or out of a block of ice and with a chainsaw.  Even if you’ve written and recorded a song, let me know about it, I’ll play a snippet, and link to the rest. Again, e-mail me with a link to your image and I’ll be happy to show them off, reading short descriptions, and probably while Girl2 sings.

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