Saturday Sketchbook 30MAY2009

Virtual Sketch Date

Virtual Sketch Date

It is time once again, the last week of every month, for the Virtual Sketch Date! At the VSD, they post a photo reference every month and you are supposed to give your rendition of it.  It is open to any artist in, I believe, any medium.  You are given one week after the photo is posted to put up your version.  The only sort-of rule is that the first image needs to be related to the reference photo.  That is, draw/paint/sculpt this image before you begin your abstract fantasy sci fi masterpiece.  vsdmay09bI did mine while watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Girl2.  With all the jumping around and Mutant Ninja action, we had a mishap that included Girl2’s foot, my elbow and a PITT pen.  For the record, you can’t really scrape cheap paper.

On that, I met with my printer yesterday and the new sketchbooks will be ready by next Friday.  It really took some doing deciding what paper, binding and even the cover cardstock I wanted to use.  But we finally agreed and the first set will be rolling off the presses Friday!  If you would like one, I’m sending out a few to my artistic friends so that I can get some feedback before I end up with 1000 of these in my garage.

E-mail me with your mailing address and, if you’re one of the first 25, I’ll send you one!

The Artistic Biker Fine Art Sketchbook.  Smooth watercolor paper, 50% cotton, 50% synthetic.  4" x 6" perferated pages.  Made in the U.S.A.

The Artistic Biker Fine Art Sketchbook. Smooth watercolor paper (U.S. domestic), 50% cotton, 50% synthetic. 4" x 6" perforated pages. Made in the U.S.A.

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