Virtual Sketch Date
It is time once again, the last week of every month, for the Virtual Sketch Date! At the VSD, they post a photo reference every month and you are supposed to give your rendition of it. It is open to any artist in, I believe, any medium. You are given one week after the photo is posted to put up your version. The only sort-of rule is that the first image needs to be related to the reference photo. That is, draw/paint/sculpt this image before you begin your abstract fantasy sci fi masterpiece. I did mine while watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Girl2. With all the jumping around and Mutant Ninja action, we had a mishap that included Girl2’s foot, my elbow and a PITT pen. For the record, you can’t really scrape cheap paper.
On that, I met with my printer yesterday and the new sketchbooks will be ready by next Friday. It really took some doing deciding what paper, binding and even the cover cardstock I wanted to use. But we finally agreed and the first set will be rolling off the presses Friday! If you would like one, I’m sending out a few to my artistic friends so that I can get some feedback before I end up with 1000 of these in my garage.
E-mail me with your mailing address and, if you’re one of the first 25, I’ll send you one!

The Artistic Biker Fine Art Sketchbook. Smooth watercolor paper (U.S. domestic), 50% cotton, 50% synthetic. 4" x 6" perforated pages. Made in the U.S.A.