OK Artsy types, weekly shout out time! Either we'll be arting about Girl2 and The Bride being back in school or it'll be about my recent bout of dental masochism. Either way, should make for an interesting show ;).
Big thanks last week to +owen swain, +Dmitri Arbacauskas, +Amy L. Rawson, +Cliff Roth, +Kerri Love, +Dale Anne Potter, and +Justin Vining for sharing their current projects last week. Also, thanks to +Leslie Herger, +Sue Bevins, and +Diana Walker for helping to spread the word!
All you creative types are up to something and I want to show it off for you. So whatever you are currently drawing, painting, sculpting, photogging, printing, sewing, singing, swearing, cursing, etc. send me a link to it so I can show it off for you on The Artistic Biker Live! tomorrow night. Let's do something wacky this time and include a link where I can lead people back to you. So if you have twitter or a website or flickr or whatever, send me a link to your current work and a link where folks can find more of your works. The works will be highlighted during the middle segment of the show, and the links will be posted on the website https://www.artisticbiker.com as well as sent out in The Artistic Biker Newsletter.
Every Thursday night from 6-8p C (U.S.) I do a live Ustream webcast called The Artistic Biker Live! It's a blunt force journey through the art world exploring new ideas and techniques and showing off new artists wherever I can find them. Tune in Thursday night 6pm central time at https://www.artisticbiker.com/ustream.
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The Artistic Biker
A place to share and learn about art journals, watercolors, acrylics, drawing and spray paints
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
I'm still taking pictures, and I'll be traveling to Maine on Thursday so people can expect more posts like this one: http://www.comfortableshoesstudio.com/2011/08/my-day-so-far-in-pictures.html where I document my day in photos.
Well, the tree I was sketching last week is starting to take shape this week: http://www.thirdroar.com/journal/