Time Out!


Sometimes you just need to change your venue. You need to clear your head of all of life’s struggles. You find yourself eliminating anything not directly involved in breathing. Slowly, you begin to realize that life is more than just breathing. More importantly, you start to focus on just why you’re breathing in the first place. This move to Houston, while ultimately fabulous for my family, is taking its toll on us. I have the better end of the deal in that I am not having to be a single parent and all the struggles that go with that. On the other hand, they get to hold each other at night.

A few of you may have noticed that the show has been on extended hiatus. I hope to get it back up and running with its original focus in the next few weeks, but I’m not rushing anything. Right now, I’m just breathing.

Thank you for your continued support.

Berfdy Blues


Boy2’s birthday is the day before mine. That was an awesome gift to me six years ago. This year, our birthdays happened 500 or so miles apart. It made for a pretty gloomy birthday. We made up for it on the weekend though at Chuck E. Cheese.

You can watch this page unfold at 20 time the speed of by watch the video quiche (pronounced “quickie”) over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/iNmXDtYA_f4

You can watch this page roll out in real time with everything but the hair drying in the video Longy over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/CvQuzPRXoV8

You can also skip over and see what others were sharing by watching the Easel Video also over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/vQMOZUOQZOY

Say Nothing Out Loud


My life is starting to gain a modicum of normalcy. I appreciate a few weeks with no surprises. However, that leaves me with not much to talk about. And so, if you have nothing to say, then say nothing out loud!

You can watch this page unfold at 20 time the speed of by watch the video quiche (pronounced “quickie”) over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/GpOltVQWC7M

You can watch this page roll out in real time with everything but the hair drying in the video Longy over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/DyxGzqvGKl4

You can also skip over and see what others were sharing by watching the Easel Video also over at the You Tube here: https://youtu.be/LRgE2-bFOYg

Happy 2016!


With the holidays and 2015 drawing to a  close, I also am closing a whole chapter in my life. I am officially starting the new year as a Texican! This will bring all of the galavanting around the countryside to an end and let me focus more time on my family, my health, my work, and my art. I look forward to amazing things in 2016, and can’t wait to see what you do with it too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!