Art Journal for Graduation

Screen shot of Ustream broadcastThis week on The Artistic Biker Live! I did a page dedicated to Girl1’s high school graduation.  I did a scrapbook type collage in the background. I made a pocket to keep a photo of her in her cap & gown clutching her diploma.  Then I painted my version of it on top.  I made the comment that I could do that because it’s not a scrapbook.  Immediately my mom attacks me for a perceived slight to scrapbookers.  I did NOT say anything bad about Croppers! I just pointed out a difference between my art journal and a scrapbook. <Grin>

Click Here to watch The Artistic Biker Does Pomp and Ephemera!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

@DarcyW has a series of prompts and challenges going on at her Art and Sole website called 52 Pages. She’ll give you a single word prompt like “Endeavor”, “Crush”, or “Replicate”, and leave it to your imagination how you will use it in your journal.

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much!Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Here are the folks that sent me links to their work for the What’s On Your Easel segment of the show.  If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in this segment, send me tweet or e-mail me with a link to your blog or photo hosting page like Flickr.

The You Tube

Graduation Journal Page Girl1 is a hi skul grajawit!  I used to sing True Colors to her every night at bed time, so it’s only fitting for a video dedicated to her graduation.

You can watch the video at The You Tube or in the embedded player below:

Art Journaling for Hay Fever

Screen Capture from Ustream ShowThis week on The Artistic Biker Live! I took a cue from Leslie Herger (@lessherger) when she stated on Twitter that she wished Mother Nature would quit making the sweet love to her face.  I empathize with this sentiment as EVERYONE here seems to be suffering with seasonal allergies as well.  This comment had me laughing all week though so for the page this week, I did a tribute to Hay Fever.  I demoed a few tips on atmospheric perspective and splashed out some quick and easy flowers.  Then we talked about The Big Sucking T-shirt Machine!  I’ve had some new ideas to make that sucker work, but it’s still not ready.  Until then, @EvelineTimeless will just have to sit around shirtless.

Click Here to Watch This Week’s Episode!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

Dale Anne Potter is still raising money for her trip to Madrid, Spain. For those who don’t know, she has been invited to participate in an artist’s retreat there.  All she needed was a way to get there and a place to stay while there. Oh, and food and spending monies.  Well, her air fair and hotel are paid for.  Now she’s trying to get food and cab money.  If you can donate, Barb and Mitzi will make you stuff as a thank you.  If you can’t, spread the word so that others might be able to.  Click Here to Donate to DaleAnne!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much!Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Here are the folks that sent me links to their work for the What’s On Your Easel segment of the show.  If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in this segment, send me tweet or e-mail me with a link to your blog or photo hosting page like Flickr.

The YouTube!

You can watch this week’s video at The YouTube, or in the embedded player below:


Link Love

Art Journal for Dream Building

The Artistic Biker Does Dream Building screen shot

This week on The Artistic Biker Live! I did a tribute in my journal to all the construction going on in Oasis Studios & Gallery, our studio where we film the show.  Using a combination of Tulip PuffyPaint, spray paint, acrylics and a touch of cut and paste I did a mock up of the walls of the studio as well as a few tools.  Stories told for the night included the secret behind my middle name, homesick soldiers, and The Nail in My Boot!  There was a TON of energy in this week’s episode and we had an overall count of 125 viewers.  That’s 25% of the way towards the goal of 500.  Remember, when we reach 500, I will don a tutu and corset to sing sweet transvestite for The You Tube.  So tell everyone you know to join us on Thursday nights from 6-8p CDT for The Artistic Biker Live!

Click Here to Watch This Week’s Episode!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


21 Secrets is still going on over at Dirty Footprints Studios.  If you are unfamiliar, Connie Hozvicka gather’s 21 great teachers under one workshop to give you several weeks of 21 different styles and techniques.  Click Here for 21-secrets!

Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

Dale Anne Potter is still raising money for her trip to Madrid, Spain. For those who don’t know, she has been invited to participate in an artist’s retreat there.  All she needed was a way to get there and a place to stay while there. Oh, and food and spending monies.  Well, her air fair and hotel are paid for.  Now she’s trying to get food and cab money.  If you can donate, Barb and Mitzi will make you stuff as a thank you.  If you can’t, spread the word so that others might be able to.  Click Here to Donate to DaleAnne!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

Trevor Jones Art is looking for 140 artists to donate a post card sized work that is environmentally themed for a showing and auction in Scotland to save the Caledonian Forest.  If you would like to participate, or know someone who would, send them his way.  Click Here to Art for a Forest!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much!Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

I have a couple of folks that participated in this week’s What’s On Your Easel feature:

@IKerriLove sent me a couple shots of the page she did using leftover gauze from her surgery.  She assures us that it is NEW guaze:

@DaleAnnePotter sent me a picture of a pincushion tea cup:

If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in What’s On Your Easel? send them my way! Click Here to Add Your Easel!

photo of Dream Building art journal entry

Be sure and come back here Sunday to see The YouTube video of the page.  I can’t post it yet because we still have to work in subliminal baby!

Here are some other links posted by viewers of this week’s show:


Art Journal Cinco de Madre!

Ustream Screen Capture

This week’s episode of The Artistic Biker Live! landed on Cinco de Mayo.  I thought in celebration of that, I would do a brightly colored villa adorned with tulips.  Why tulips? Because the following Sunday is Mother’s Day here in the U.S. and apparently, tulips are the traditional flower of Mother’s Day.  Anyway, once I painted the tulip in the journal, I really liked the way it worked with that background.  So, I set the journal page aside and did a mock-up painting to see if the tulip would lend itself to my larger expired calendar painting canvases.  I believe it will work out very well, and I’ll get some practice too.  The first one is already promised to my mother for Mother’s Day.  Click Here to Watch This Week’s Episode!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


21 Secrets is still going on over at Dirty Footprints Studios.  If you are unfamiliar, Connie Hozvicka gather’s 21 great teachers under one workshop to give you several weeks of 21 different styles and techniques.  Click Here for 21-secrets!

Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

Dale Anne Potter is still raising money for her trip to Madrid, Spain. For those who don’t know, she has been invited to participate in an artist’s retreat there.  All she needed was a way to get there and a place to stay while there. Oh, and food and spending monies.  Well, her air fair and hotel are paid for.  Now she’s trying to get food and cab money.  If you can donate, Barb and Mitzi will make you stuff as a thank you.  If you can’t, spread the word so that others might be able to.  Click Here to Donate to DaleAnne!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

Trevor Jones Art is looking for 140 artists to donate a post card sized work that is environmentally themed for a showing and auction in Scotland to save the Caledonian Forest.  If you would like to participate, or know someone who would, send them his way.  Click Here to Art for a Forest!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much! Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Several people sent me links to their works this week and I had technical difficulties that couldn’t be resolved in time for the show.  I will try to get the ones I missed on the air next week, but here they all are for your web perusing enjoyment!

@Ikerrilove from twitter sent me what she was working on, “Art in the Dark”, as she was working by candle light with no electricity!

@mique_w sent me a couple of digital works she had going on:

@spinrants sent me images from his digital design class he’s taking:

@katost sent me a pic of this lovely painting that is now on her splash page of her website!

If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in What’s On Your Easel? send them my way! Click Here to Add Your Easel!

Teh YouTube:

You can watch this week’s video at Teh YouTube, or in the embedded player below:

Draw A Cat!

Cat painting in my journalA few weeks ago, while working on the Genesis painting, I was “tweeting” my Work In Progress photos out on The Twitter.  @DarcyW had commented how much she liked a particular background, so I thought I would do a show about how that background was done.  It was a gorgeous day, so I broadcast from outstide. You can see that recording by clicking Here!

The technique is very simple and effective.  Once you have sealed your page, hit it with some light mists of precious metal spray paints.  In this cat example, I used gold.  Just a light mist then let it dry completely. Then I take acrylic paints mixed with water in spray bottles and lightly spray them.  I allow each color to dry completely before adding another layer.  The result is a beaded color effect with the sheen of the metallic paint showing through.  The cat is an ongoing gag at The Artistic Biker Live!  Someone ALWAYS says “DRAW A CAT” in chat.

I had some technical difficulties at my day job this week, so there was no show! Measures are being taken to ensure that doesn’t happen again, even if I have to have a guest host.  Wonder if I could get Jay Leno…

Anyway, you can watch the cat video at Teh YouTube, or in the embedded player below: