Just What Makes That Little Old Ant…

…think he can move a rubber tree plant.  I learned that song from Laverne & Shirley.  My wife says I’m old for knowing the lyrics.  I told her that men grew more distinguished with age.  She laughed.  Not a cruel, insulting laugh, mind you.  No, she laughed the laughter of incredulity.  Shocked that not only did I say such a thing but that I actually believed it.  OK, maybe it was a little insulting

The rubber tree plant song came up because I decided I would draw her banana tree plant for tonight’s EDM challenge: Draw a tree or branch.  We couldn’t decide if it was a banana *TREE* or a banana *PLANT*.  That’s when I started singing the song, reminded her that trees ARE plants, and swore to hereafter refer to it as a “Banana Tree Plant.”

EDM 15: Draw a tree or branch.

I Can't Tell You, But I Know That It's Mine

What do you see when you turn off the light?  Actually, the challenge today was to draw what you see when you wake up in the morning.  This picture is not entirely accurate.  What you can’t see in the drawing are my glasses that would be on the nightstand.  Of course, if they were there, you wouldn’t be able to make out anything else in the drawing.  Just like when I first wake up.

EDM 14: Draw what you see when you wake up in the morning.

Gallery Quirks

The last few days my host has been performing server upgrades so the site has been a bit wonky.  Then today, I decide to upgrade the gallery.  Danged if I didn’t mess up the database and have to reload everything.  If you notice any pictures out of place, please let me know.

Today’s challenge was to draw my phone.  Since I did the cell the other day instead of a watch or jewelry, I chose to do the house phone.  I stared around that thing forever trying to find an angle I found interesting.  That’s a lot of the fun of these challenges, finding beauty in everyday items.

EDM 13: Draw your phone

EDM 12

We went over to some friends’ house this evening to have a families’ movie night.  As always happens when we’re around this couple, hours fly by like minutes and the next thing you know it’s 1am and you haven’t done your sketch yet.  Then I get home and realize that I was supposed to sketch my dinner.  Thank goodness all McDonald’s cheeseburgers look alike.

EDM 12: Draw your dinner