What’s on Your Easel?

Snails, Pinups, and a Spider

What do those things have to do with each other? Nothing really, other than I drew them…

These snails are from a reference provided by Hielmy_arrasyid . Check them out. They’re a great photographer on instagram.

These Pinups are in keeping with the Halloweeny theme! The first one is Stefania Ferrario, then Austin White, Erika of Spacemunkybuns, and Nelsy of Wildkitten10. They are all great models!

I was honestly questioning whether to share the Pin-ups. In a couple of the F-book groups I belong to there have been a handful of people offended by the sexuality. Then a couple of thoughts occured to me… It’s my page, and I’m “The Artistic Biker.” While I know they exist, I think you’ll find bikers who don’t like pinups are in the extreme minority.

And finally, this little watercolor spider is based on a reference provided by Biju PB of AvianDiaries

That’s pretty much a round up of what’s on my easel! I would love to see and share what’s on your easel. Just send an email to Blade at Artistic Biker dot Com with the subject Easel and I’ll use your works to help inspire others. That’s what this is all about.

A collection of Mini Paintings and a Notebook

I finally managed to finish painting an entire deck of cards! I put them all in a collection I’ve entitled, 52 Mini Paintings: The First Deck. It is available from Amazon either as an E-book, a paperback, or even in hardback. If you get a copy, be sure and drop us a note letting me know what you thought of it.

I also decided to uploaded some of my artwork for notebooks. The first one is A Rooster Journal. If you like roosters and notebooks, especially together, this is the notebook with a rooster on it for you!

Loretta Lynn

Loretta Lynn died on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022. She was 90 years old. She passed peacefully in her sleep at home.

Like so many others, I grew up listening to her and many of her songs have been a staple of my life. Not the least of which is Coal Miners Daughter. I was 9 when the movie came out and my mother must have burned through three of the eight tracks of the album, and then three more of the movie soundtrack.

She paved the way for many women in the entertainment industry and brought joy to millions with her shows and music. She will be a tough act to follow.