For the last year or so we have been into “the routine”. Wake, work, eat, sleep, work in some practice and claim you’re growing. Problem is it’s boring. It’s not challenging in the least bit. Worst of all, it shuts off the creative part and your life turns into a script.
Some good friends of ours took me in for the weekend and woke me up at DARK Saturday morning. They took me to breakfast at their favorite Saturday morning breakfast joint. It was fabulous by-the-way. They explained to me they do this every Saturday, then go on an adventure. Sometimes the adventure is going home and going back to bed. Sometimes it’s a flea market. Sometimes it’s a watermelon or strawberry festival. But they have an adventure every Saturday.
We got up this Saturday and went to breakfast. One adventure we will be having is finding a great breakfast place. Our next adventure today was the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It was so great being together. It was so great seeing all the neato stuff. But most of all, it was SO GREAT BREAKING THE ROUTINE! There’s not much you can do about the daily routine. Kids go to school. Parents go to work. Dinner. Bedtime. So we’re committing one day a week minimum to break the routine. Zoo, museum, park, observatory, aquarium, beach… strawberry festival… break the routine. Today it gave me some much needed inspiration for drawing and painting and family-ing.