What the Universe Wants

Last week I posted about how I needed to get up during the wee hours of the morning in order to get some things accomplished before leaving for work.  I have decided that this is not what the Universe wants.  The Universe seems much happier when I hit the snooze button.

Check out the latest pic from The Big Sucking T-shirt Machine project!  When using spray foam, it’s important to remember to stop filling in time.  Spray foam is COOL!

Art Journal Dragonfly

Mixed Media Dragonfly

There have been a lot of *positive forces in my life of late.  There have been some interesting opportunities arise at my day job which involve both more responsibility and more pay.  It hasn’t happened yet, but I believe it’s only a matter of time.  Just when I started thinking I should find a way to get some T-shirts printed, my mom up and buys a screen printing company to go with her embroidery business.  Seemingly out of the blue, I’ve been invited to produce some online workshops, aside from the ones already on hold over at artjournaling.ning.com (which, now that the baby is sleeping and it’s getting warmer weather I can revisit).  And I’ve had two interviews as a “local artist”.  This all seems very strange to me.  Then I became obsessed with this idea for a dragonfly.  So far, I’ve done a thumbnail of him, and a larger journal entry.  I am working out the details and kinks to paint it poster sized.  But I have truly been obsessed with him.  When I painted the journal entry on the U-stream broadcast (Every Thursday night from 7p-9p c), I was informed by the wise Poetic Dreams that dragonflies are the Native American Totem for change.  I did not know that.

You can see the speed painting at The YouTube or watch it on the embedded player below.  Don’t forget to share it with others on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

*Of course I believe that positive forces dominate the universe and that if you are having hard times they are the direct result of your actions and decisions shielding you from these blessings.  But that’s a WHOLE different Oprah.

U-stream Update 06MAY2010

This little dragonfly was on my mind all day and I had to try it out last night! It is the inspiration for the first large painting I am doing in a LONG time. I want to refine the technique just a little though, so that is what we will be doing tonight on The Artistic Biker Live! http://ustream.tv/channel/the-artistic-biker   Also, my beautiful, young bride will be joining me in the arting and Girl2 and Boy2 are always good for a cheap camera shot.  :)

The show is live tonight, Thursday May 6th, from 7p-9p c at The Artistic Biker Live! http://ustream.tv/channel/the-artistic-biker

Catching up

Posted by mobile phone:
Catching up
My day job has become a whirlwind of activity lately. While that’s outstanding for our company and its employees, it severely cuts into studio time. Changes in my schedule now requiring me getting up at 4 a.m. so that I may accomplish some of my goals before leaving for work at 6.

To date, I’ve not made it out of bed before 6, but know that the plan is in place. ;)

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Catching up

Art Journal: First of May Rated PG

When I looked at the calendar and noticed that May Day was going to be this past weekend, I couldn’t help but start singing Jonathan Coulton’s “First of May”.  If you are unfamiliar, it is a delightfully naughty song about outdoor lovemaking starting because of the warmer weather.  The lyrics are NSFW or kids, but I love this song anyway.  You can check him out at http://www.jonathancoulton.com.

There are a lot of layers in this week’s art journal entry.  It was going well but when it was “finished” I wasn’t quite satisfied.  I was going to stop at the Satyr and the Nymphs, but then read a blog post by Barb The Craft Junkie.  On her Craft Therapy blog, she posted Sarah Whitmore’s Rules for Making Art.  Rule 9 leaped out at me:

9. Don’t ever fall in-love with one part of a piece and “baby” it. A great teacher once told me, if you find yourself falling in love with one corner…paint over it until it is the same as the rest.

So that’s exactly what I did and added two more layers.  :)

You can go to Ustream to watch the video of this Artistic Biker Live! episode, YouTube to watch the final video, or just watch it in the embedded player below.

Peace, Love & Motorcycles!
