First Thing In The Morning

This is a photo reference from the wet canvas library

Last night, I attended my second meeting of the Colored Pencil Society of America, Oklahoma Chapter.  They had a decent turnout and I met several talented people.  It turned out to be more of a business meeting so there weren’t any technique demonstrations or really any discussion of art at all, other than listing  the upcoming shows in the surrounding areas.  The two things that did excite me, besides the hugs from new people, was the discussion of gathering outside the meetings to draw, sketch, paint, and socialize, and that there would be video demonstrations now that they had a widescreen monitor available to them.  That’s enough to make me want to go back.  I get one more meeting before I have to decide whether or not to join.

I’ve decided to start posting first thing in the morning to get my creative juices stimulated right off the bat.  Turns out, I don’t wake up that fast.  So now I’m trying to get something out quickly before I have to dash out the door.  C’est la vie.  The first thing you will notice is that there is no EDM post.  I am still going to do those in the evening, so today’s hasn’t happened yet.  I will publish them in the morning.  This also allows me to spend more time with the girls without the stress of having to get online to post every night.  Maybe it’ll keep me from staying up ’til 1am too.  I wouldn’t know how to operate on a full night’s sleep.

0 thoughts on “First Thing In The Morning

  1. Ok so where does the CPSA Oklahoma chapter meet? I’ve tried to contact the Tulsa chapter several times and Dallas is a little to far to go on a regular basis –

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