Art Journal for Memorial Day

First, I want to tell you how much I *LOVE* the new spam technique of ASKING if you are noticing an increase in spam.  How bold is that?  ;)

I hope everyone in the U.S. had a safe and happy Memorial Day.  I really hope it was filled with biking, boating, picnicking, dancing, playing, living, loving and laughing because THAT is what all of the men and women who have fallen for this country fought for.  Trust me.

This page was especially hard for me because I am torn.  I am a war time veteran and I am STAUNCHLY patriotic toward my land and her people.  However, I am greatly disturbed by the every increasing nature of our leadership to spread war around the world.  As a matter of fact, if you watch the video, you’ll see half way through, I completely change direction, white it out and start over.

Deep breath.  Bad chi out, good chi in.

On a lighter note, because today is the day after Memorial Day, it is Monday on a Tuesday.  It is an opportunity to use Tuesday as a jumping off point instead of waiting for Monday to roll around again because it is effectively the first business day of the week.  Or at least that’s my excuse.  So, this morning I was up by 4ish (snooze buttons are evil).  I slowly rolled sprang out of bed, shaved, brushed my teeth, exercised, ate breakfast, practiced my guitar, and did my Every Day Matters sketch.  I didn’t make it to the 100 Day’s Challenge, but I’ll get there.  I hope that this becomes my lifelong habit, except for the 4am bit.  I eventually want to be self employed so that I can start this closer to 7.  ;)

Do you have any morning rituals to fire your creativity or set off your day?  If so I’d love to hear about them in the comments or e-mail.

I’ll post all of the sketches I do this week on Saturday’s blog post so be sure and subscribe.

This week’s Memorial Day tribute Art Journal entry video can be seen at The YouTube or simply watch in the embedded player below.  Remember to comment, rate, and share because that helps grow the family!

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